Squalene is
sourced from deep
sea shark
Squalene is sourced from deep sea shark liver oil and has
a wide range of applications in medical science. It is used
as a substance to reduce cholesterol levels as well as for the
control of blood pressure. Squalene also has an antioxidant
and bactericidal effect in the food
preservation process.
Glucosamine hydrochloride is
prepared from pulverised chitin or
the shells of shellfish through a
chemical process. It is widely used
for its pronounced scavenging effect
on superoxide radicals.
Shark cartilage is collected from
shark meat after removing the
bones and is rich in chondroitin
sulphate. The cartilage is used in
the treatment of atherosclerosis,
blood vessel thrombosis, and in the
reduction of cancer related tumors and
inflammation. Shark cartilage is used
as an antioxidative compound due to
the presence of chondriotin sulphate.
food such as icecream, cream and other
products. It also has an antioxidative
effect and antimicrobial activity in food
preservation. Scientific studies reveal that
two peptide fractions 10 k Da and 1
k Da are reported as antioxidative and
antimicrobial agents from squid and tuna skin.
Fish derived nutraceutical products are relatively
limited, and are mainly used for their medical and health
benefits. In addition, they can also be used as food
preservatives without any known side effects, and in
this way the recent food processing technology of fish
derived nutraceuticals can provide a good substitute
to chemical preservatives.
hydrochloride has
a superoxide
radical effect
Fish Protein Concentrate is prepared from fish meat or mince
meat through a centrifugation process, with the help of ethyl
alcohol. FPC contains high amounts of protein which can
serve as protein supplement in food. The recommended level
of FPC consumption per day per person is 35gm. It can
supplement cereal protein as it is rich in lysine.
Fish gelatine is prepared from fish skin
and bones. Fish gelatine is a good
source of lysine and methionine. It
can supplement cereal protein and
is widely used in the formulation of
Fish protein concentrate can be utilised as protein supplementary food