Travel Impressions

2016 TI Central & South America

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A T L A N T I C O C E A N P A C I F I C O C E A N Asuncion Sucre Salvador Brasilia Caracas Fortaleza Belem Recife Cartagena Punta del Este Georgetown Valparaiso Cuzco South Georgia (UK) Malvinas Islands (UK) Tierra del Fuego Cape Horn Mendoza El Calafate Puerto Madryn Ushuaia La Paz Rio de Janeiro Sao Paulo Montevideo Buenos Aires Lima Quito Bogota Santiago V E N E Z U E L A G U YA N A S U R I N A M FRENCH GUIANA P E R U B R A Z I L PA R A G U AY U R U G U AY C O L O M B I A B O L I V I A A R G E N T I N A C H I L E E C U A D O R A N D E S M O U N T A I N S B R A S I L I A N H I G H L A N D S A M A Z O N B A S I N Manaus Costa Do Sauipe Iguazu Falls Cross the Equator to turn your world upside-down; take wing to turn winter into summer, and vice versa. It may sound like magic, but it won't be the journey to South America that will have you spellbound—it'll be the people, culture, and land- scape that enchant you. Covering nearly 12% of the Earth's surface area, this mysteri- ous continent is intriguing in its untamed diversity. From the highlands and plateaus of the east to the Andes Mountains of the west, and the river plain where the mighty Amazon River roars, some of the most beautiful natural sights on the planet are concentrated here. The highest volcanoes in the world tower above Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina, while more than 2,000 species of butterflies keep some of the world's most rare and even yet-undiscovered flora and fauna company in the Amazonian jungle and Incan wilds. In the cities, the cosmo- politan streets of Buenos Aires and heady nightlife of Rio de Janeiro draw out butterflies of a social kind, while European Uruguay is a menagerie of natural and manmade habitats. The only question that remains is, which will you flit to? Welcome to SOUTH AMERICA Welcome to South America | 25

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