Viking Cruises

Viking Explorer Society News - Issue 23 - Spring 2024

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Page 70 of 81 | 71 E X P E R I E N C E S I S S U E 2 3 ANTARCTICA IS A CONTINENT, NOT A COUNTRY Because it is not a country, Antarctica has no government. It is presided over by the Antarctic Treaty System, an international agreement with 52 signatories. All decisions are made by consensus, and the treaty includes strict guidelines for commercial fishing and sealing, as well as a complete ban on mining and mineral exploration. THE UNICORNS OF THE SEA Narwhals are affectionately known as the "unicorns of the sea" as they can be identified by the long tusks protruding from their faces. The ivory tusk can grow to more than ten feet in length and is actually a canine tooth, which the narwhal uses to hit and stun its prey. Narwhals inhabit Arctic waters all year round and can live for up to 50 years. GUANO HELPS KEEP THE ARCTIC CLIMATE COOL IN SUMMER It may not be home to penguins, but the Arctic's birds more than hold their own against their flightless friends. The gases released from guano (bird dropping) affect the cloud cover which in turn reduces the air temperature and has a cooling effect, helping to regulate the weather system in the far north. HOW POLAR BEARS KEEP WARM Polar bears are actually black, not white. Their jet-black skin is covered by translucent hair which reflects white natural light. The bears depend on their fur for insulation during the harsh winter months. Dirty, wet and matted fur is less likely to keep the animals warm, so they roll in the snow to keep it clean. 7 8 9 10 Antarctica is colder than the Arctic e main reason for this is that the Arctic is an ocean surrounded by continents, while Antarctica is a continent surrounded by ocean.

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