Viking Cruises

Viking Explorer Society News - Issue 23 - Spring 2024

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Page 68 of 81 | 69 E X P E R I E N C E S I S S U E 2 3 beautiful yet rugged landscape of this sparsely populated region was once thought to be inhabited by Patagonian giants. Experience its mystique on a helicopter flight over the spectacular peaks of the Torres del Paine National Park, or explore the city's charm on a scenic drive as you take in the highlights. AMALIA GLACIER AND THE CHILEAN FJORDS Sail through Chile's fjords and keep your eyes peeled for sea lions and dolphins among the rugged mountains and glaciers. The Amalia Glacier, located on the edge of Sarmiento Channel in Bernardo O'Higgins National Park, originates in the Southern Patagonian Ice Field. See tumbling waterfalls from glaciers as you sail through the maze of channels. PUERTO MONTT, CHILE Puerto Montt, situated on the north side of a sheltered bay, is less than 20 miles from the summit of the Osorno volcano. A main city in Chile's lakes region, Puerto Montt boasts beautiful scenery—snowcapped volcanoes, lush green fields and forested national parks. Germans were early settlers of the area, and the German Colonial Museum explores their life and times. VALPARAÍSO, CHILE Valparaíso charms visitors with its colorful labyrinthine streets that rise up from the water's edge and through the hills. Funiculars carry pedestrians up and down the steep slopes, which they ascend to marvel at the views over the port and where artists, authors and poets have come for generations seeking inspiration. SANTIAGO, CHILE Chile's capital city is brimming with museums, theaters, world-class eateries and numerous shopping centers. Explore the bohemian district of Barrio Bellavista and meander through the streets lined with vibrant murals at the foot of San Cristóbal Hill. Or, weave your way through the tiered maze of Santa Lucía Hill for magnificent views over the city. At lant i c O cean Pa c i c O cean Buenos Aires ARGENTINA Puerto Madryn Punta Arenas A m alia G la c i e r C h il ean F j o r d s Ushuaia Santiago (Valparaíso) Port Stanley Puerto Montt CHILE URUGUAY Montevideo C ap e H o r n Falkland Islands – C r ui s e •• O ve r night in Po r t VIEW VOYAGE GETTING THERE: Consider our 18-day South America & the Chilean Fjords voyage, which sails from Buenos Aires to Santiago or in reverse. Clockwise from right: Glacial splendor in Punta Arenas, Chile; Dramatic scenery in Puerto Montt, Chile; Patchwork of vibrant homes in Valparaíso, Chile; Detailed carving on Casa Rosada in Buenos Aires, Argentina Tour El Zanjón de Granados

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