Viking Cruises

Viking 2023-2025 Expeditions Brochure

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"I never enjoyed science classes at school. Yet here I am in Antarctica, rushing back from a penguin colony visit to an ornithology lecture, happily risking frostnip to watch the release of a weather balloon and tracking whales with the sort of laser focus I normally apply to tracking down online shopping bargains." K r i s t i e Ke l l a h a n – F r e e l a n c e J o u r n a l i s t O B S E R VAT I O N D EC K BA L LO O N L AU N C H T H E S C I E N C E L A BO R ATO RY CITIZEN SCIENCE Citizen science is a collaboration between scientists and the general public to collect data, conduct scientifi c research and analyse the fi ndings with the goal of allowing everyday people to contribute to the scientifi c community and learn more about unique environments and the challenges they face When we created The Thinking Person's Expedition our intention was that every expedition would provide opportunities for discovery During each voyage, guests can participate in real, signifi cant science that contributes to research and ultimately to the publication of scientifi c papers Our scientifi c approach centres on having the platform to explore with the personnel to interpret what is found By taking part in Viking's Citizen Science Program you can gain a deeper understanding of the natural world and the importance of protecting fragile environments like Antarctica Viking hosts a NASA-funded program of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, allowing guests to engage in research and public education through novel citizen science sampling of polar phytoplankton for genetic population analyses Viking Octantis and Viking Polaris have also been designated National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) weather stations, from which we launch weather balloons As a citizen scientist you could participate in activities such as the Happy Whale program which identifi es and tracks individual whale movements, or the FjordPhyto plankton research program which investigates how melting glaciers are aff ecting phytoplankton diversity 29 Call us on 138 747 (AU), 0800 447 913 (NZ) or contact your local Viking travel agent

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